Before starting a repair, you receive a cost proposal from us. Your repair is carried out correctly using spare parts of original quality. Simultaneously, irrespective of whether a CVS or third party model, each repaired machine is delivered by us after a test run and with a warranty.
Please notice/enclose at every return of machines for repair or guarantee the following:
We have a large, constant selection of overhauled compressors and vacuum pumps in store. Replacement machines from CVS are thoroughly overhauled and have, as with new machines, successfully undergone a test run.
Secondhand compressors and vacuum pumps are:
There is a full warranty of one year on all secondhand, overhauled compressors, vacuum pumps, excluding expendable parts.
If there is no suitable replacement machine available in store, there is the option of an express repair at our works. Because of the in-house production, we are able to carry out repairs quick and uncomplicated.